From The Jedi Academy:
Star Wars and Conflict Resolution Blog

Tricking the Jedi Mind: Unconscious Biases in Conflict
How could someone as smart as Anakin be so easily swayed by Palpatine? Part of the answer is Palpatine’s ability to manipulate Anakin’s unconscious biases.

Jedi and Sith Approaches to Conflict
What does neurochemistry tell us about midi-chlorians?

What’s in a Wookiee? Inside Our Conflict Styles
A conflict arises. Do you avoid it? Try to make everyone feel better? Strive to win? We all default to a particular approach in conflict, but we can also choose more strategically and intentionally how to respond. If Chewbacca can do it, and even Vader, so can we.

Coming Soon, To A Bookstore Near You
Star Wars and Conflict Resolution I and II are now available to order by bookstores through IngramSpark

Rey and Kylo Ren: Fighting their way to partnership
Rey and Kylo Ren are a dyad in the Force and also bitter rivals. How does their escalating conflict end up working out so well?

Video: Episode II Launch Event with Remi Smolinski
Remi Smolinski of the Center for International Negotiation interviews Jen Reynolds and Noam Ebner, launching their new book star wars and Conflict Resolution II: My Negotiations Will Not Fail.

The Sequel Has Landed
We’re thrilled to announce that our new book, Star Wars and Conflict Resolution II: My Negotiations Will Not Fail, has dropped.

You… Must… Choose! When Interests and Values Collide
Conflict can arise or escalate when our interests and values are not aligned. Read more about how some of these misalignments played out in the Star Wars story.

Chatting on Star Wars ologies
We were thrilled to speak with Melissa and James of Star Warsologies about conflict resolution in the saga.

Han Shot First, Again! The Ethics of First Strike
Let’s take it as a given that Han shot first. Was he ethically justified in doing so?

Always Remember, Anakin: Your Identity Determines Your Reality
In Star Wars and Conflict Resolution, Danielle Blumenberg breaks down the transformation of Anakin into Darth Vader and then back again. It’s all about working through identity needs.

Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate? Not necessarily.
Emotions lead to the dark side, right? That means suppress your emotions … but then that can create problems too. Authors Gert-Jan Lelieveld and Welmer Molenmaker explain.

Lightsabers and Fighting Styles
In the second chapter of Star Wars and Conflict Resolution: There Are Alternatives to Fighting, author Tom Freeman examines how lightsaber color and fighting styles affect the outcomes of duels in the Star wars universe, and the outcomes of conflict in our own world.

Putting down the light sabers: Mitchell Hamline School of Law brings dispute resolution to Star Wars in new book
Luke Skywalker’s galaxy may be far, far away but “Force”-ful lessons for settling differences in this world abound in “Star Wars and Conflict Resolution: There Are Alternatives to Fighting.”
The book is the latest publication from Mitchell Hamline’s nationally ranked Dispute Resolution Institute and its publishing arm, DRI Press…